In House Studio Fitness

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1000 Steps - our first fitness activity for 2019

In House Studio fitness kicked off the year with our first activity on Sunday February and what a brilliant way to start!

I’m a huge advocate of incorporating physical activity that you really enjoy into your life. Being fit and healthy doesn’t just have to mean training at the gym or running for hours. Social get-togethers that are physically active provide a significant health benefit both physically and mentally – as well as it just being fun to enjoy activities with others.

Our first activity was walking the 1000 Steps in the Dandenong Ranges National Park.

Created in the early 1900s, the 1000 Steps Walk was originally made from the trunks of tree ferns laid along the wetter areas of the track to make the 290 metre ascent somewhat easier. Over time, these have been replaced by a combination of wooden steps and a concrete section to ensure that the track can be used for everyone during any type of weather conditions.

Plaques along the trail depict the lives of the soldiers who fought and died on the real Kokoda Trail in Papua New Guinea during World War II, adding an additional element to the walk as people are reminded of, and can pay respects to, the soldiers who gave their lives for us.

My rag tag group (I say this with much love and affection) of 16 clients ranging from 25 to 72 in age, and from really physically fit to beginner level fitness, commenced our journey at the top of the stairs. For some this was their first time while others had done this walk before…… It made for a diverse, supportive and fun time!

It was a tad warm with the temperature cracking over 32 degrees but everyone did an amazing job and I was really proud of their efforts. We didn’t lose anyone, and there were no injuries or illnesses – always a plus! We drank lots of water to stay hydrated and we encouraged each other when it got tough or super hot. We achieved 100% success completion rate!

It’s always great to relive activity and compare notes on such an amazing experience - and of course, we needed to refuel! So after we finished, we all enjoyed a healthy and delicious morning tea under a beautiful weeping willow, along with a few laughs – nourishment and recovery is incredibly important!

Our clients always enjoy our activities and I’m looking forward to our kayaking adventure at the end of March - make sure you don’t miss out as it is going to be a great day out!

My advice: get physically active with friends, and make it a regular part of your life!