In House Studio Fitness

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Client of the Month February 2020

For the first COTM this decade and first one for this year for February

Big drum roll please.... Congratulations Mark Vanson!
Mark kicked off 2020 with a bang! He made a commitment to himself to get fitter, stronger, feel better and lose fat – and at the end of February he has already kicked some massive goals.

For 30 days he has trained every single day and the change is really obvious – he is stronger and fitter. He has lost 7.6 kilos in 6 weeks and he is looking fantastic and feeling great too.

Mark has trained with In House for a long time but was in a bit of a rut and hadn’t changed up his training for ages, preferring to mostly do strength classes.

With some real focus and commitment, a complete change of training routine and a renewed commitment to eat better (yes he has been doing my 6 week challenge) he has accomplished way beyond his expectations and kicking big goals.

I’m really proud of you Mark – you haven’t missed a day and you’re on a fantastic path! Keep it going!