In House Studio Fitness

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Self efficacy. You know what I’m saying….?

This week, we kicked off the 21 Day Push Up Challenge for mental health and well being.   Supporting our mental health is always important but it is absolutely vital during this time of social restriction.  But before you tell yourself that you can’t do 21 days of push-ups, let’s talk about self-efficacy and how you can tap into this superpower.

Firstly, let’s take a look at self-efficacy.  Don’t be put off, it’s not some weird psychological term that involves three tertiary degrees to comprehend.  Rather, think of it as your success barometer and it is an attitude that you can build and develop within yourself in a really short period of time. 

It’s as simple as “The Little Engine That Could”.   Do you remember that story?  The little train that came across the big hill and while he felt a little daunted, he told himself “I think I can, I think I can,” which shifted to “I know I can, I know I can…” as his self-belief kicked in and he moved to the top of the hill.

Essentially, self-efficacy is knowing that you can count on yourself when something may initially seem overwhelming or outside of your ability.  It means that you can and will do your best whenever possible.  So, if you apply this to when you challenge yourself and take yourself out of your comfort zone, your self-efficacy meter goes up.  That’s a good thing by the way as it means you are pushing yourself and not letting a challenge get the better of you!

As adults, we forget to believe in ourselves and we stop flexing our ‘self-efficacy muscles’.  We live within our self-determined comfort zones and we stop trying new things because we believe we will fail.  But you know what, you will always fail if you don’t give something a shot!  

OK, but how do you work on building your self-efficacy?  It’s easy, you do something that makes you uncomfortable.  For some that might mean bungee jumping but for others, it could be as simple (and powerful) as signing up to a 21 day push up challenge or to the CoronaFit program online and joining into the Facebook conversation – and then following through with it - NO MATTER WHAT.

Even on a day when you can’t be bothered.

Or when you are feeling overwhelmed by life.

Even if you are tired and super busy.

Especially if you are tired and super busy!

And there’s a big win in all of this as you will soon learn just how much you are capable of achieving! 

You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."  
- Christopher Robin.

I KNOW you can do almost anything you put your mind to. But do YOU know it?

All you have to do is decide … and then just do it!  

Perhaps you can start building your self-efficacy, your success barometer, by joining us in the 21 Days of Pushups.  Go on, you know you can do it!