In House Studio Fitness

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Self care during lockdown

Open up Facebook during this pandemic and you will see all sorts of posts about how this is your time to shine. Why not learn a new language, teach yourself how to sew, knit or crochet, get your whole house organised with the plethora of storage ideas that abound, renovate a room, paint the whole house, redo the garden? Let’s not forget self-care – meditate, exercise like a demon and drop 3 dress sizes, revamp your way of eating. CHANGE everything about yourself.

OK, some of these sound like great ideas – why not use this time of lockdown or restricted movement to improve yourself or the way you live? Except that we are living through difficult times and the challenge is that many of us are trying to survive a period of extreme stress and worry. Many have lost their job or have been stood down for a period of time which brings financial stress, others are trying to do the work from home while supporting the kids with their remote learning juggle and the relentless requests for something to eat. Some of us are struggling with the sense of isolation that lockdown delivers, while others are overwhelmed by the fear of being exposed to the virus. The list of stress factors goes on but you get my drift.

Where am I going with this? I want to make it clear that the absolute priority for all of us is that we are kind to ourselves. This pandemic affects us all differently and what we can achieve and what we need to achieve are two very different things. While it might be nice to be able to speak fluent Spanish at the end of lockdown, or to have mastered sourdough breadmaking but it isn’t essential. If the thought of ‘achieving’ a list of things is adding to your anxiety about the lockdown, then you are not doing yourself any good at all.

Now you know I am a personal trainer so of course I want you all to be managing some form of physical activity. I don’t expect to see all of you running marathons or joining the Olympic weight lifting squad at the end of this lockdown. Gentle walks, having a go at my 4 minute daily workouts, attempting my challenges, joining the In House @ Your House community – whatever suits you but keeps you moving is my focus because scientific evidence shows that some form of exercise will support your mental and physical health. And not just in a pandemic…

Just as important to me is the concept of being thoughtful and kind to ourselves and this comes in many forms. A couple of ideas I have about supporting myself through this include the following:

  • Playing with the dogs – animals are known to calm us in times of stress! Plus they are cute

  • An afternoon nap – sometimes it is OK to do nothing.

  • A relaxing bath – you don’t need expensive potions just some time to relax and float in the water will help calm the mind.

  • Ignore the to do list – sometimes that list of chores is not helpful and you need to switch off occasionally.

  • Don’t compete with others – just because Jo Bloggs down the road is learning how to prepare a 3 Star Michelin meal, it doesn’t mean you should. Especially if cooking is not your thing. Just focus on healthy, whole foods that will keep your immune system working well.

  • Read a book – for fun because sometimes our brains need a little escapism.

  • Just sit and be – meditation is a very powerful process that can help settle the nervous system and assist you in managing stress. Even three minutes a day where you focus only on your breathing is enough to make a change.

I don’t want anyone thinking that I don’t support self-improvement. I do! In fact, to those who are able to bring substantial change into their lives during this time, well done! You should enjoy your achievements and take pleasure in what you have learnt or the changes you have made. Rather, what I am saying is that if the world is too much for you right now, be gentle with yourself. Take the foot off the accelerator and get the core things done – healthy food, hygiene, connect with family and friends in whatever way you can and take the time to enjoy the slower pace that life is delivering at the moment. Find the silver lining and enjoy it.

And most importantly, stay safe.