In House Studio Fitness

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Challenge yourself in 2023

New year’s resolutions.  We’ve all made them, and we’ve all fallen in a heap within weeks, days, even minutes, but what happens if we take the idea of a new years resolution and reformat it into something more palatable for our brain?  How about we decide that we are simply going to be good to our bodies by fueling them well and working on getting them in great working order so that we can get out there and enjoy all that life has to offer?

See what I did there?  It’s a subtle change but it works.  We stop thinking about just what we will do such as “I will eat healthier and avoid junk”, to “I’ve got a goal of grabbing life with both hands and living to the fullest so what’s going to help me get there – delicious and nutritious food and movement that will help my fitness and energy levels”.  And by saying we are going to be good to our bodies makes the brain think that this is not about restriction as we have so much to gain.  The brain always responds well to a reward concept.

Making long term change can be overwhelming but if it means you have more energy and you feel good, it’s got to be worth it right!  This year, I’m really excited about launching my Eat Move Live Challenge as it is a brilliant way to kickstart the changes you want to make, and you get to do it with a fantastic bunch of like-minded folks who all want to make 2023 the year that they feel amazing too.

What’s this Eat Move Live Challenge of which you speak Cath I hear you ask.  Well let me give you the quick rundown….It’s a 6 week challenge that delivers great information and tips on nutrition, wellness, goal setting, and exercise.  There are recipes with breakfast, lunch, dinners and more that will cater to all types of tastebuds and there will be special workouts just for those committed to the Challenge.  I’ve got charts for goal setting and planning so you know what you are aiming for and you keep your eyes on the prize. 

Along with weekly challenges, there is a cash reward if you take out the trophy for winning the 2023 Eat Move Live Challenge!  You won’t get a set of steak knives but rest assured that the Challenge comes with a brilliant workbook that has so much more to keep you excited and focused on locking in your good eating and regular exercise habits.  And the real prize is going to be how absolutely wonderful you feel!

Most importantly, this is not a fad diet. There are no shakes.  No weird foods you’ve never heard of that require an extension on your mortgage to source.  It’s all about knowing what the readily available good stuff is that will provide the high-quality fuel your body needs to feel awesome, and it’s information that you will take forward once the 6 week challenge is complete.  Knowledge is power and once you know this stuff, you’ll appreciate how easy it is to feel fab every day as you treat your body with the respect it deserves!

And then there are the workouts.  You must have known that as a personal trainer, I wasn’t going to let you get away without a side order of sweating it out 😁!  I’m having so much fun preparing workouts ready for the Challenge and they are all designed to fit in with your lifestyle.

Either way, movement is key to looking and feeling good and both myself and your fellow Challengers are here to support and cheer you on with any of the activities and exercises in which you choose to participate.  Once again, it’s all about doing the things that make us feel confident and result in having the physical ability to do the things we want.

All of this lifechanging goodness launches on the 6th February and you get the massive e-book, entry into the Challenge and all that comes with it for just $129. If you want to get started on changing your health and don’t want to join the challenge, you can purchase the e-book for just $79.

It’s as easy as clicking here for more information on the 2023 Eat Move Live Challenge.  Or you can always ring me on 0418 566 624 or drop me an email at

Let’s make 2023 your year!