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7 types of rest we all need

Ask anyone you know how they are and more often than not, they will mention they are tired.  And as we slide downhill into Christmas, most of us are exhausted and are simply hanging on for dear life as we draw closer to our much anticipated Christmas break!

The best way to get yourself sorted is to go to bed earlier and get yourself a good night sleep.  Rinse and repeat and you’ll up your energy levels in no time.  Right?

Well, yes.  But that’s only part of the solution.  Rest is not just getting a solid night’s sleep on a regular basis.  In fact rest, true mojo improving, energy replenishing, mental health supporting rest comes in many forms.

1.       Physical rest 

A little obvious as this is the one we all think of when it comes to recuperation but the type of rest and the length is important.  According to a study released by the Baker Heart & Diabetes Institute just this month, 7 hours of quality sleep is the sweet spot with too much more or less disrupts your circadian rhythms and can have a significant impact on poor health outcomes such as elevated blood pressure. 

This is definitely where good habits are incredibly important – one night won’t deliver the rest you require.  An ongoing cycle of repeated nights of 7 or so hours of sleep starting and ending at around the same time and you are going to feel amazing!  For more detail on the study in a very easy to read release, you can click here.

2.       Emotional rest

Dealing with feelings can be exhausting, and it’s not only our ‘stuff’ that we often need to manage.  Carrying the load for our children if they are going through a tough time, supporting a friend in need, handling an aging parent as they transition into a less independent life – there are many ways that we drain our emotional charge. 

It’s important to recharge by indulging in activities that bring you joy such as a catch up and a good laugh with old friends, allowing yourself to have a good cry and let it all out, or simply putting your hand up and asking for help.  Yes, your brother can help with your parents and your spouse can take on that issue that is upsetting your child – you don’t have to do it all.  Give yourself a break so you can continue to have energy for yourself as well as your loved ones.

3.       Social rest

Instead of FOMO (fear of missing out), there are those of us who have FOBI (fear of being invited)!  Yep, that’s right, sometimes we just can’t cope with the idea of getting out of our trackies and heading out with OTHER people!  And that’s OK because occasionally, even the most extroverted of us, need to step back from constant interactions and take a breather.   Enjoy some alone time, curl up with a cup of tea and a good movie, or take a solo walk in nature. It's all about finding the balance that works for you.

Conversely, social rest may in fact involve seeing other people – but it’s the type of people that you choose to see that is important.  Social rest will be gained by seeing those who fill you with energy, the ones who are positive and supportive as opposed to the drainers who take rather than give.  Make more time for those whose presence you enjoy and rebuild your energy by simply being near them.

4.       Sensory rest

It’s frightening to think of how many messages we are bombarded with each day.  Social media, bright lights, advertising messages EVERYWHERE we look, phone calls, emails, bright lights, kids demanding attention, partners needing input, employees wanting feedback….  Arrgghhh, it’s too much stimulation.

This is where sitting in a quiet room, perhaps reading or listening to some music that you find relaxing will be really important as you reset and settle your frayed nerves.  Taking on a yoga or perhaps a stretch class can be an excellent outlet when it comes to sensory rest so think about joining a class and getting your yin and yang balanced.

5.       Mental rest

Think back to those days when you had exams and you waited until the last minute to study.  How much of that cramming worked for you?  How much knowledge were you able to retrieve when you entered the exam and how much stayed with you afterwards.  Not a lot I’m betting. 

These days, we know more about balance and giving your brain time away from hard work so it can process information, make connections and lock it into memory. It’s why we should encourage our young people to keep up their sport, casual jobs and hobbies even when in the throes of VCE exams as is gives them time for mental rest but helps support their learning and consolidating the information they require into long term memory.

It's the same for those of us who are past our studying days.  Work is just as taxing and you do need time to consolidate new information, so step away from the computer every now and then and give your brain time to rest.  Take your lunch break and enjoy some time outside in the sun or have a laugh with a colleague.  You’ll be surprised as to how much more effective and productive you can be with a little mental rest break every now and then.

6.       Creative rest

Creativity comes in so many different forms.  There are some who fill their creative cup through photography, art and illustration, writing or singing.  For others it might be flower arranging, gardening, knitting, model train building.  Or it can be taking inspiration from the creativity of others by heading to the art gallery or walking through the botanical gardens.  All of us are creative in one way or the other so don’t feel that just because you can’t draw a stick figure to save yourself that you aren’t creative – it’s just that your talent and the joy it will bring you lie elsewhere.

7.       Spiritual rest

This type of rest can take on a very different shape for everyone.  Whether through meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature, spiritual rest allows you to connect with something larger than yourself, bringing a sense of peace and fulfillment. Spiritual rest is about finding meaning and purpose in your life.

So there you have it – the seven types of rest that can transform your hectic life into a haven of tranquility. Remember, rest isn't a luxury; it's a necessity. Embrace these different forms of rest, mix and match, and discover what brings you the most joy and relaxation. Your well-rested self will thank you for it!

Download my infographic on the Seven Types of Rest and pop it on the fridge, near your desk or on the bathroom door.  Pin it where you will see it, so you remember what you need to do to be your best, most energised self.