Client of the Month December 2019

And the last client of the month for 2019….. December .... is CAIT!
Cait started training with us late last year and initially did just one class per week as she was new to exercise. She set some specific goals she wanted to achieve and has worked quite hard all year to reach these goals.
She quickly increased her classes to two per week and could feel herself getting stronger and fitter and for the last month she has been doing 3 classes each week when she could.

Cait is the epitome of quiet achiever – she is smashing her goals!  She can now do more push ups and lift heavier weights than ever before, demonstrating her increase in strength and core.  She is less than a kilo away from her goal weight and her body shape has changed and she’s loving it. 😊

Cait quietly pushes herself in every class and gives everything a go. Just the other day she was doing Burpees on the ground. Go Cait! She is consistent and works hard while maintaining great technique. I have really noticed her improvements in both strength and fitness and am super proud! Cait is our very deserving December client of the month! Congratulations!