The hour by hour benefits of intermittent fasting!
We all naturally fast – or take a break from eating – for at least 8 hours a day. It’s when we’re asleep!
The prevailing view has always been to start your day with a hearty breakfast but recent research suggests that taking a longer break can help you lose weight and improve overall health. It’s a movement that has gained popularity but it is also evidence based with research continuing to show its benefits.
Whether you call it “intermittent fasting” (aka IF) or “ time-restricted eating,” it involves intentionally taking a “break” from eating for anywhere from 12 to 16 hours a day.
Intermittent Fasting has been shown to:
🔥Lower Insulin Levels
🔥Enhance Recovery & Reduce Inflammation
🔥Boost your metabolism
🔥Increase Fat Burning,
🔥Help with Cellular Regeneration
Also, it stands to reason that if you’re eating for fewer hours a day, there’s a good chance you’re eating less overall, helping to lose weight if that’s a goal.
Pretty impressive huh?
And it’s not nearly as hard as you think.
There are numerous health benefits related to intermittent fasting including:
Weight and body fat loss. ...
Increased fat burning. ...
Lowered blood insulin and sugar levels. ... (Possible reversal of type 2 diabetes)
Possible improved mental clarity and concentration. ...
Possible increased energy. ...
Possible increased growth hormone, at least in the short term
Here’s a breakdown of what you body does each hour of fasting (times based from last calorie intake):
4-8 hours
Blood sugars fall
All food has left the stomach
Insulin is no longer produced
12 hours
Food consumed has been burned
Digestive system goes to sleep
Body begins healing process
Human Growth Hormone begins to increase
Glucagon is relaxed to balance blood sugars
14 hours
Body has converted to using stored fat as energy
Human Growth Hormone starts to increase dramatically
16 hours
Body starts to ramp up the fat burning
18 hours
Human Growth Hormone starts to skyrocket
24 hours
Autophagy begins
Drains all glycogen stores
Ketones are released into the blood stream
36 hours
Autophagy 300% increase
48 hours
Autophagy increases 30% more
Immune system reset and regeneration
Increased reduction in inflammation response
72 hours
Autophagy maxes out
* Autophagy is a detox process your body undergoes to clean out damaged cells and regenerate new ones. A protein called p62 activates to induce autophagy and is the key to an improved human lifespan over time.
You can fast for as many hours as you want, and you can do this every day or ever just one or 2 days per week or per fortnight – you’ll get health benefits in direct relation to what you do and how often.
I regularly do 16:8, where I fast for 16 hours per day by eating only within one 8 hour window per day – why don’t you give it a try and see what happens with you!