Health & Wellness Challenge 2020

As anyone who meets me knows, I am absolutely PASSIONATE about health! As a personal trainer, I love helping people make changes to their lives that help them feel better both physically and mentally – it’s a pretty awesome job! And as many of you know, I run both group and personal training at In House Studio Fitness, but as an addition to this, I love to run my Health and Wellbeing Challenges and there are some good reasons why….

A Health and Wellbeing Challenge is a brilliant way to reset your focus. You may be training regularly and quite happy with the way things are progressing – but what would happen if you set some new, short term goals and cranked things up a notch or two and really dedicated yourself to your training while also receiving some guidance around your nutritional choices? That’s right, you will see change in your fitness levels, your measurements (both cms and kgs) and you will feel amazing. And 6 weeks is a perfectly manageable period of time to dedicate to yourself. For those already training and making change, it can retune your dedication and attention when it comes to your training goals and for those who are just starting out, it can be a brilliant kickstart and will absolutely help form the basis for some really great habits moving forward. Even better, you get support from me and the rest of the crew who are jumping on board the Health and Wellness Challenge.

I’ll let you in on a little secret…if you are looking to lose weight, you will get much better results if you combine a healthy eating plan along with your training. But sometimes its tough to get the motivation to change your eating habits and it’s easy to justify those after dinner chocolates or that extra glass of wine because you worked out at In House Studio Fitness earlier in the day. My Health and Wellness Challenge will help you focus in on healthier choices that will help you feel good while losing weight!

Let’s take a look at the In House Studio Fitness Health and Wellbeing Challenge that kicks off on March 2, 2020:

This Challenge is a 6-week program that helps kick you off to a new way of life regarding eating! It’s not a ‘diet’, it’s just the start of your new life. It is guaranteed to make you lose fat and inches, feel better, have better mental clarity and be back in control of your body. No formulas or special meals to buy; no replacement shakes or special potions – just a way of eating and living that fits with your lifestyle and puts you back in charge. No gimmicks, no bullshit – just honest facts and information to help you reach your weight and health goals.

Here’s what entry into the challenge will get you:

  • A 43-page complete guide to what you will be doing for the first 6 weeks Included in this guide is background information to help you understand what you’ll be doing and why, what to eat, when to eat and how much to eat (but not a meal plan – it’s still up to you to make your own decisions!). It also includes easy to understand food lists, meal ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and heaps of easy peasy yummy goodness recipes!

  • Entry into a private closed Facebook group where you can share ideas, see new recipes and support and motivate each other in the group. I’ll also be posting some workouts and hints and tips to keep you focused. • Ongoing phone and email support from me as you need it.

  • 50 % Money-back guarantee! * • 40% discount on the Feb 29th body scan (find out your real starting point) – pay only $30 for your scan if you sign up to the challenge by 15 February

  • 40% discount on the follow up body scan

Other important stuff you need to know:

When: Fat Loss Challenge starts 2nd March until 5th April 2020

Cost: Entry is $129 per person for the Challenge only

Optional: Feb 29 Body Scan - $30 and Follow up body scan - $30

Guarantee? If you follow the program properly and you achieve at least a 5 kilo weight loss, you’ll get 50% of your investment back! That’s right – you get the double win – lose 5 kilos PLUS get $65 back! (if you don’t have at least 5 kilos to lose based on current weight this won’t apply to you so please contact me for another option for you!!!

Call Cath on 0418 566 624 to register or for more information. The only thing you have to lose is a few spare kilos, but you have everything to gain when it comes to your health and wellbeing!