Client of the Month July 2020

This month’s COTM goes to the indomitable Sina

Sina has been so consistent with her training through every stage of restrictions and regardless of online or in person training.

She also puts into every session and has improved her fitness and strength.…. These have contributed to Sina’s Client of the Month award, however, the #1 reason for Sina being chosen this month is due to her unrelenting and consistent commitment and support of both the wider community and to our In House Community and me personally. Sina was responsible for providing the majority of the Covid signage you see at the studio, and she is also always providing helpful information and support to help both myself and others.

In these strange and unusual times, it’s so wonderful to have someone as generous of spirit as Sina, as part of our community.

You are an absolute Rockstar Sina – thank you for everything you do. You kindness and thoughtfulness is so very appreciated.
