In House Studio Fitness

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Help your immune system this Winter

Winter has definitely hit and with it, comes flu season.  Ask any parent what they’ve been up to and it is likely they are dealing with a revolving door of sick kids as they battle regular viruses, cold, flu, RSV and Covid.  Gross!

No one wants to be unwell, but the reality is, you can’t truly control whether or not you will catch whatever is currently circulating. Viruses are sneaky things and even the healthiest of us can fall victim to their stealth attacks.  However, you can take steps to boost your immune system and have it at its best so you can reduce the risk of being unwell or recover faster if you do get caught out by a lurgy.

You are what you eat

Food plays such a key role in overall health.  It’s not always about weight loss (or gain), what we choose to eat is important in keeping us healthy.  Whole foods like fruits, vegies, lean proteins, whole grains, nuts and seeds all provide essential nutrients that will support your immune health.  I know we can’t always be perfect but try to stay away from heavily processed foods and take away dinners as much as possible. 

Protein in particular is vital for building and repairing body tissues and is a key element of immune cells.  You don’t have to eat a steak every night to get a good dose of protein as you can source it from other red meats, white meats such as chicken, beans, lentils and even dairy.

Choose foods that will promote good gut health and your immune system will thank you.  Think bananas, sauerkraut, yoghurt (not altogether obviously - yuk) and other foods that deliver pre and probiotics. 

Ensure you’re getting a good mix of vitamins and minerals. Vitamins C and D, zinc, and omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important for immune function​. 

Hydrate yourself

Of course, water is important too.  I’ve covered the importance of hydration many times and I really want to underscore its importance as it is vital for all bodily functions.  Plenty of water throughout the day will help you stay hydrated, which will in turn support your immune system. 

You know I’m going to tell you to exercise!

Naturally, regular exercise is on the list of important things that will help boost your immune system as it promotes good circulation.  This allows key components of the immune system such as T-cells and natural killer cells to move through the body and do their job efficiently.

Activities like working out at the Studio, walking, swimming, and cycling are great for maintaining a healthy immune system. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity each week​.

Sleep like a baby

Prioritise your sleep as it is crucial for a healthy immune system.  Turn off the television, leave the mobile phone in another room so you aren’t tempted to scroll or play games and get snoozing.  Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Establish a regular sleep routine by going to bed and waking up at the same time every day.

Manage Stress

Stress is a part of life whether we like it or not and it does have an effect on our health.  Stress causes our bodies to release cortisol and too much of it over a long period can lead to an inflammatory response in the body that compromises the immune system. It comes down to how we manage our stress levels so we maintain our health.

Consider trying stress relief techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga or regular exercise.  Make the time to enjoy your favourite hobbies and put the effort into maintaining your social connections with friends and family.  All of these actions can help reduce stress, support good mental health and improve immune function. 

Be kind to your body

Quit those really bad habits that not only destroy your immune system, they damage your overall health!  I’m talking about smoking (including vaping) and alcohol intake.  I know it’s not so easy to quit smoking but you will thank yourself for doing it!  Limiting alcohol intake will also deliver health improvements and give your immune system a better chance to function effectively and keep you well.

Keep it clean

If there is one thing we’ve learnt during the last few years, good hygiene can make all the difference when it comes to avoiding illness.  Different viruses operate in different ways.  Some are airborne (e.g. Covid) so covering your mouth when you cough is really important in reducing spread.  Other can land on surfaces so if you sneeze into your hand and then touch a door handle, the next person to open that door may well receive an unwanted gift from you. 

I’m not suggesting you obsessively scrub your hands and every surface in your home or workplace but be sensible.  When you do wash your hands, use soap and scrub for at least twenty seconds. Use tissues or hankies and consider masks when venturing into busy areas such as the shops or on a plane. Keep your living and working spaces clean. Regularly disinfect commonly touched surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, shared desk or bench areas and mobile devices​ to reduce the spread of germs that can make you ill.

Get on the front foot

Taking a proactive approach to your health by optimising your immune system can help you navigate through winter with better resilience against illnesses. By focusing on nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, and good hygiene, you can significantly boost your immune function. Remember, even small changes can make a big difference in your overall health.

Keep healthy and enjoy Winter.  In spite of the cold, it can be a truly beautiful season!